Tuesday, 6 December 2016

How You Invest in Startup is Important

Investing in startups is exciting, but not every single investment may yield into big success. How you lookout and invest in startups is an important part of success.

Being an investor, you certainly do not have enough time to spend in crisscrossing the country in search of investment opportunities without making any actual investments. So, the wise idea is to optimize the process and costs wherever possible. For instance, joining a startup newsletter that filters out the best startups is a great way to go; now you just need to review a few major ideas for your startup investment.

Moreover, platforms like 1000Angels enables investors to attend exclusive events around the country to connect with startups for an annual membership fee, rather than giving up a percentage of the upside like you would get in traditional venture funds or syndicates.

This is how you can optimize the process; the curated investment opportunities are great way to achieve efficiency and improve the chances of success!

You may be interested in knowing which startup you should invest in.

Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Entrepreneurship is Lonely; Reach out to Mentors and Peers

One thing that is common in almost all entrepreneurs is that they were mentored! To be very honest, entrepreneurship is highly unpredictable and being first time entrepreneur, you have all the chances to fail, though you have equal chances of success.

No matter, how many small business resources you follow for tips, tricks and advice, having a mentor and speaking to him for 30 minutes is better than exploring resources for 30 days!

“Entrepreneurship is one of the loneliest professions in the world. The entrepreneurs that are really successful reach out in networking groups and peer associations — or just to one person. They need that thought partner.” – (Starts at 13:00) Jeff Mask, Vice President, Infusionsoft

Monday, 7 November 2016

I Recommend These 10 Small Business Resources to New Entrepreneurs

The number one problem of new entrepreneurs is not knowing what, where and how to start.

Fortunately, there are hundreds of online resources for wannabe entrepreneurs, however, they are still confused which one to trust and which not. So, here I am listing 10 best resources that I have been reading myself and have written for some too. You can surely find help from them!

Here goes the list:

  1. Noobpreneur Business Blog 
  2. Women On Business 
  3. StartupsBuzz.com 
  4. MyVenturePad 
  5. Rise of the Innerpreneur 
  6. SmallBusinessClan.com 
  7. The Franchise King Blog 
  8. Free MAKE MONEY Advice 
  9. CareersLinked.com 
  10. Gina Abudi

Monday, 10 October 2016

Small Scale Poultry Farming; a Lucrative Business Opportunity for Villages

Chicken is the most widely consumed meat across the world and so the demand in big cities is always huge! Increased population, newly opened restaurants and other factors contribute to the increasing demand on chicken in the cities, so starting a poultry farm can prove to be a lucrative business idea.

If you live in a village, that’s an advantage, because you will have it setup for low cost, and the village environment is best for poultry farming. So, stop exploring any more small business ideas for villages, and get started with this one!

Poultry farming is a highly thriving and profitable business venture, not just because, you are going to sell chicken, but you can also sell eggs, and by using the poultry waste as fertilizer, you can set up a small scale vegetable farming too!

The opportunities are boundless, but it requires you to start first. Yes, it does need capital, but you can always start small and turn it big with your hard work and smart management!

Here I am adding some useful resources to help you start up your poultry farming in a village:

Saturday, 27 August 2016

Errand Services; a Micro Business Idea for Enthusiasts in Chicago

While living in Chicago, it’s a must that you consider starting your own business. Whether you are a fresh grad looking for an opportunity or you have just retired from those long office hours job, own business will not just keep you busy in constructive way, but will also let you have financial freedom in a better way!

If you’re actually interested in such a venture, you must already have explored tons of small business ideas for Chicago.

In a situation when abundance of ideas create confusions, choose one that delivers better value to the target market, i.e. errand services business.

The growing population, emergence of new businesses, higher tourists and business travelers in the city and ever increasing traffic is making life of many people tougher than before and they need someone to help them with these nonproductive tasks.

You don’t need to invest a penny on setup, except marketing your service which you can also do on budget with some strategic moved. So, step in, and ease the pain of all those who need help and make your profits!

And yes, here I wrote about translation services business in Chicago, which is also a lucrative option.

Wednesday, 24 August 2016

Asset Renting As a Part Time Business in New York

Well, living in a big city like New York, where it is quite challenging to manage, is also full of opportunities. So, even if you're on your dream job, you would not mind earning some extra $$ for doing nothing!

So in that case, you must look for some smart business ideas. Check this list of small business ideas for New York and you may find some hints.

Well, if you've not found a hint from the above list, let me tell you about renting your parking space! Certainly, you can make some extra money for doing nothing!

So, if you have extra parking space at your home then why not rent it out for getting some additional income and if you have a big space, why not to turn it into rental parking!

Check out these links for having an idea of what should you charge:


And yes, if this is not something for you, do check my other post about doing translation services business in New York.